
My Scattered thoughts about whatever the Fsck I feel like writing on.

Here we are again.

I know that I can blog but my brain is fairly convinced that I will fail at this as a regular practice.

In past attempts it was practice trying and log everything that had happened through the day as some sort of day log. This works for some individuals, but the act has never been really productive for me. *stares over to stacks of journals guiltily. * I have been doing sporadic bullet journaling and that has proven effective somewhat but not in a daily or weekly planning method that would be helpful.

Here is where it has been effective for me though.

I write notes.

Lots and lots of little useless notes.

  • Check on Thing!
  • Communication Policy is next.
  • Change Email.

Staring at the pages and post-its with their surrounding thoughts allow me to backtrack along my mental path and realize what I was trying to say. Still though I have other thoughts that don't get captured and drift to ether. I've been getting increasingly in the habit of just trying to centralize my notes. Boiling notes to a mash and bottling them in a to-do list that I can easily do in shots; one piece at a time.

So, I'll use this as a mental space to dump. It'll be nice. It'll be refreshing. And likely it'll be a bit raw.

I'm going to keep writing my thoughts as I'm thinking through my twitch redesign. That being one of those shots that I just need to stomach up and deal with.

Until then. We'll see you all soon.

Help others; Help yourself